Financial Statement

Full Transparency

Our Mission Statement is to provide educational support to children in The Democratic Republic of Congo. We do this by providing for school fees, uniforms, backpacks, and school supplies. We also address the root causes of poverty and illness, through wells and medical clinics.

Sacred Money

Sponsorship donations are considered sacred money. Your $50 donation goes directly to school fees and supplies for the children.

92 Cents of Every Dollar

Of every dollar raised through General Donations, Grants, Fundraisers and Cans and Bottles, 92 cents goes to fund selected yearly projects. Our 2017-2018 projects center around helping furnish a new school in Bibwa.

General Donations Will Go Towards:

  • Paying school fees for students who are awaiting a sponsor
  • Providing uniforms, backpacks and school supplies on an as needed basis
  • Helping to fund projects
  • Funding recurring expenses, i.e. adding new selections of books to libraries, replenishing lab supplies, adding furniture to classrooms and etc.